Sunday 10 February 2013

6 Kerusakan Merayakan Valentine's Day

1- Merayakan Valentine Berarti Meniru-niru Orang Kafir
2- Menghadiri Perayaan Orang Kafir Bukan Ciri Orang Beriman
3- Mengagungkan Sang Pejuang Cinta Akan Berkumpul Bersamanya di Hari Kiamat Nanti
4- Ucapan Selamat Berakibat Terjerumus Dalam Kesyirikan dan Maksiat
5- Hari Kasih Sayang Menjadi Hari Semangat Berzina
6- Meniru Perbuatan Setan Karena Bersikap Boros

Thursday 7 February 2013


Allahumma Aameen! :'|
Foto: Allahumma Aameen! :'|

'7 Things Your Muslim Husband Won't Tell You'!

Most men have a hard time understanding women. Even a woman they’ve been married to for years.
One minute she’s perfectly fine. The next, she’s crying like a baby. She complains about something but when we offer advice on how to fix it, she still isn’t satisfied. After several years of marriage (and counselling) I’ve learned to not worry so much about what my wife says. Instead, I should worry about what she doesn’t say.
With this information in mind, I’ve put together a quick list of things Muslim men should be aware of when it comes to their wife’s mind.


Note: Instead one should show resolve, being sure that Allah will certainly answer his supplication. By demonstrating such determination he shows that he places his trust in Allah, who can do whatever He wills without being prevented by anyone or anything in the heavens and the earth.